Ceremonial rally


On Friday, 19. July 2024, the Croatian representative of Adventure Club of Europe, Jelica Munja, led the invited guests of honour through the exciting Croatian Summer Party at Europa-Park. To celebrate the new rollercoaster ‘Voltron Nevera powered by Rimac’, which takes up the pioneering inventions of our member Nikola Tesla and turns his cosmic energy journey between the two Voltron towers into a real experience for its visitors, the Mack family, together with ACE, invited selected renowned guests from near and far to an unforgettable and spectacular evening.

On this memorable evening, Mate Rimac, the inspiring entrepreneur and CEO of the Rimac Group, was honoured for his outstanding inventiveness and extraordinary achievements and formally inducted as the newest member of Adventure Club of Europe. Jelica Munja presented him with his certificate of honour on behalf of the entire club.

The Adventure Club congratulates its newest member on his many achievements to date and looks forward to seeing where his future path with take Mate Rimac.


The Adventure Club of Europe announces that a new artifact has been found


The scouts of the Adventure Academy of Europe dug it up during a field trip in Greece and will send it to Adventure Club of Europe as soon as possible. It is a mask that recreates the face of Medusa. Supposedly, a centuries-old curse is attached to her, which can only be broken in a special way, because so many Greek gods have their hands in it. Various mythical creatures are also involved. The Adventure Club of Europe assures that the mask will be kept under the highest security precautions. Furthermore, the best researchers and scientists have already been put on the analysis to eliminate any further dangers.



Once again, the Adventure Club of Europe has entrusted the successful author THiLO with writing down the exciting story behind the find. It can now be read by interested members and friends of the Adventure Club of Europe.



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The flying school of adventurers
Volume 4: The Mask of Medusa (currently available uniquely in German)
Illustrations by Max Meinzold


Now available everywhere!

New revelations from the Adventure Club of Europe’s secret archives


The Adventure Club of Europe not only gathers the greatest explorers of our time, but also trains the adventurers of tomorrow at its school at Deep Fog Castle. They fly around the world in supersonic zeppelins to learn how to discover magical artifacts or research mystical beings. That is why the academy is also called “The flying school of adventurers”.

Four students of the new school year have already proven what they can do when the ACE’s greatest treasure was stolen: the legendary Fire Tiger, that dangerous, magical dagger that the corsair Bartholomeus van Robbemond once discovered in the jungles of Batavia and which prompted him to found the Adventure Club of Europe. The courage and thirst for adventure of the four Adventure Club of Europe Scouts, as they are henceforth called, was stronger than any admonition to be careful by their teachers. They went on a dangerous search for the fire tiger and the sunken city of Batavia …

The Adventure Club of Europe had their story written down by the great storyteller THiLO, initially to keep it in the club’s archive. But now the Adventure Club of Europe has decided to share it with a small group of initiates. Here you get an exclusive insight into the first adventure of the four Adventure Club of Europe Scouts. The Adventure Club of Europe is convinced: It won’t be their last – a lot can still be expected from these young adventurers!



> Click here for the exclusive reading sample (only in German) <


The flying school of adventurers
Volume 1: The Batavian Fire Tiger
Illustrations by Max Meinzold


Now available everywhere!


The start of a new book series that reveals previously well-kept stories from the secret archives of the Adventure Club of Europe.

New academy class welcomed by Catherine Noir

The Adventure Club of Europe is proud to announce, that selected young talents have begun their education at the Adventure Club of Europe Academy again this year. They were welcomed by Adventure Club of Europe president Catherine Noir and the Academy director, Severin Maximov.

Adventures from the academy can soon be read in the new book series ‘Die fliegende Schule der Abenteurer’.

Volume 1 featuring the story of the Fire Tiger can be pre-ordered in the

Online shop.

Special Exhibition ‘Rulantica’ – Celebratory Opening and Exhibition

It’s one of a kind, a trendsetting master-piece of an exhibition: The great ‘Rulantica’ special exhibition is officially open!



On 17th January 2020, the Adventure Club of Europe and the ‘Krønasår’ museum, together with the Mack family and around 600 invited guests celebrated the official opening of this worldwide unique exhibition. Adventure Club of Europe president and museum director Catherine Noir addressed the guests before her speech via video message to explain the development:


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For the longest time it was beliefed, that the island of Rulantica is nothing but a legend. But investigations by the Adventure Club of Europe have been able to prove beyond doubt: Rulantica really exists! Based on recent Adventure Club of Europe expeditions, experienced curators have created the special exhibition which shows in incredible detail a reconstruction of the island.

This has been made possible by the passionate support by the Mack family and many more energetic helpers. The Adventure Club of Europe honours their amazing achievement with a honorary board in the exhibition, which has been revealed during the ceremony by the Mack family.

‘Let us be the ones who bring in the new!’, with the motto of Adventure Club of Europe founder Bartholomeus van Robbemond, Michael Mack spurred all guests to dare to innovate again and again. A motto that the many long-term partners of Europa-Park who were present would have internalised, and for which the family thanked them.

The gate to Rulantica was then opened personally by no less than Snorri, using the horn of Loki: Because only those who hold the horn, that the Nordic god Loki broke off his helmet when he created the island, can enter Rulantica. Today, this powerful magical artifact is kept under the highest security precautions at a secret ACE location. For the opening of the special exhibition, however, Madame Noir presented it exceptionally on stage.



Then the most experienced expedition leaders of the Adventure Club of Europe led the guests through the exhibition, on an expedition to Rulantica, which was populated by the inhabitants of the island that evening, from Vikings, trolls, sirens, source guardians and the spirts of one or two shipwrecked sailors.

People are truly immersed,’ enthuses Catherine Noir, ‘We have created a fascinating place where visitors actually feel as if they are on the legendary island of Rulantica!’


Adventure Club of Europe President Johan Malus temporarily suspended

The Adventure Club of Europe announces on its own behalf that Johan Malus, President of Adventure Club of Europe, has temporarily been suspended at his own request.
In the course of internal investigations, a case is being brought against Mr. Malus, of which he does not want to get in the way. Previously, there had been substantial accusations that the Adventure Club of Europe can no longer ignore.

The acting director is Catherine Noir.

Due to the many requests, and the high-level of public interest, we can confirm that the magic artifact ‘Horn of Loki’ plays an important role in this case. All other assumptions relate to unconfirmed information that we cannot currently verify.

Please understand that we will give no further information on the speculation until further notice.

We will clarify the case as soon and as transparently as possible.

Special exhibition of Krønasar ‘Rulantica’ opens on 17th January 2020

The Adventure Club of Europe looks forward to the opening of the special exhibition ‘Rulantica’, which will be hosted by our esteemed friends and companions of the Krønasar Museum.

No less than the entire fabled island has been recreated based on mystical records, maps and historical testimonials. From the famous Trølldal, where the creatures of the same name live, over the enchanting Vinterhal to Rangnakor, the city where the first Vikings lived when they settled on the island around 900 AD.

The serpent Svalgur can also be admired here. It was she who, according to legend, sank the famous ship Tre Kronor in the 16th century after Captain Tord Johansen attempted to steal the water of the source of life from the island.

“Rulantica has always been my big childhood dream. No, what do I say, this mystical island is still there,” said Adventure Club of Europe President Johan Malus at the announcement of the opening date. “I’m sure it’s out there. And one day we will find it. Until then we have this fantastic special exhibition. And if, like me, you’ve always wanted to bathe yourself in the source of life, your dream will come true here – with no side effects, like annoying curses from Odin or being attacked by sea serpents,” he added with a laugh.

The Adventure Club of Europe invites all to a historical expedition in the footsteps of Bartholomeus van Robbemond

Much has been written about the founding father of the Adventure Club of Europe – and even more was rumored. Disrespected, underestimated, dreaded and deified: Bartholomeus van Robbemond. In his spirit, the Adventure Club of Europe travels the world today: with courage, passion and open eyes for the mystery that surrounds us everywhere.

In honour of Robbemond, the Adventure Club of Europe will soon be inviting visitors to experience their biggest expedition with their own eyes: the search for the Fire Tiger.

With the financial backing of the Mack Bank, an extraordinary adventure with state-of-the-art technology will be recreated in 2020 under the name ‘Pirates in Batavia’.

In order to find the notorious dagger, the Fire Tiger, visitors go into a true-to-original Batavia. Raised up on the cliffs of Batavia, the journey ventures across the island, through the village and up to the temple. Here awaits the dagger which, according to legend, grants its owner invincibility in battle. Along the way, Robbemond’s famous opponents Diablo Cortez and Li Fu must be defeated – just as they should have done.

The visitor is accompanied by Jopi, the playful otter and faithful companion of Robbemond.

The Adventure Club of Europe thanks the many people who made this unique experience possible. We look forward to taking you on the trail of Bartholomeus van Robbemond with pride and gratitude.

Adventure Club of Europe gets movie music

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To celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Adventure Club of Europe, it was unanimously decided on 5th June 2016 to have the club compose its own anthem. The impressive piece of music has already been used at this year’s summer festival, as well as in numerous documentaries and films.

Composed by IMAscore on behalf of the Adventure Club, there is now a compilation of the recordings of the Budapest Film Orchestra. The piece bears the promising title of ‘The Origin of Mystery’ and is, sometimes bombastic, sometimes mysterious, the voyage of discovery and a venerable hymn of our Adventure Club.

Discovery of the Tre Kronor, proof for the existence of Rulantica

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The ship Tre Kronor, which was believed to be lost 500 years ago, was netted literally by Captain Finn Olson coincidently.
This is how a trawl net made the most sensational discovery of modern age. The Tre Kronor, sent out in 1557 by the Swedish King, was supposed to find the legendary island of Rulantica.

The ship however disappeared without a trace and Rualntica was never discovered.
According to Caption Olson proof was recovered that suggests that the Tre Kronor actually did discover Rualntica back then.

‘Starting today Rulantica is no longer a myth – but reality’ says the Swedish captain in a telephone interview with the ACE president Malus.